Thursday, November 26, 2009

Asante Sana Mungu

I am thankful for so many things it really is impossible to write them all down, its probably impossible to even think of them all. But I'm going to give it a shot......

_God (duh, but it has to be said!!! Actually, there should be a separate list for all the stuff about God because I could go on for hours......)
_Family (I could go on about this for a while too, but I'll just say; 'Mom, Dad, Rachel, Hope, Noah, Miykah, Eli, Daniel, Samuel, Gabriel, and Trinity...I LOVE you all SOOOO much, and am so grateful to be part of this family!!)
_Friends.....there really are not words for how blessed I am to have you all in my life, and I'm not even going to try and name them all, but I love you and yeah, thanks for letting me be in your lives :)
_Church Family
_Hard Times
_God's Creation; Mountains, Beach, Sunsets, Hills, Fields, Dogs, Rain, Thunderstorms, Sunshine, Moon and Stars
_Kids :)

_Technology = phones, computers, cameras, internet, facebook *gasp*, ipod, etc.
_You Grow
_Fish Club, Bible Club, Mission Day...
_Forgiveness and second chances

be free

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