Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I have heard this saying many times in my life, and I know that is has not been very long, I admit that. But I do not know if I have ever understood more clearly what it meant than on the Reaching Souls trip to Mombasa, Kenya this summer. I had an amazing time on this trip, it was life changing, and I do not say that lightly. The people I met, experiences I had, things I saw, and friendships I made have changed my life forever, and will continue to do so. But this story is not all about me, it is about my new hero; Jerry Hamlin. From the moment I met Mr. Hamlin, when he gave us all, (the young people), awesome evange-bracelets, I knew that he had a special relationship with Jesus. Just the soft way he spoke and his passion for reaching the lost. I was encouraged over the next few weeks, as Mr. Hamlin went with us to the schools, sharing the gospel message and giving away bracelets and candy. He was so generous that he even gave away some of mine. He also brought thousands of Evangecubes to give to the pastor's and their wives, I had the privilege of using one to share the gospel with a group of girls.
The one thing I will never forget about Mr. Hamlin happened on our way home. Some of you may have heard about our little adventure on the way back. If not, let me just say that being stuck in four airports for five days was the not most pleasant experience I have ever had, but it may be the most memorable. It was Sunday, August 16, and we had spent the night on the cold, hard airport floor. We were all hungry, thirsty, freezing, tired, and homesick. Speaking for myself I was beyond stretched and starting to have some very un-mission trip like thoughts.
At some point we all loaded up and drove into downtown Nairobi, only to be told to turn around and drive back to the airport. I ended up in a taxi with Tera, Dana, and Mr. Hamlin. I clearly remember my thoughts and feelings as I sat in the backseat and stared out the window. I was tired, lonely, scared, missing my family, homesick for anything American, and pretty much just done with the whole 'mission trip' thing.
What happened next I will never forget; Mr. Hamlin was in the front seat and started talking to the driver. He asked him his name, about his family, where he lived, and then he asked about his spiritual state and if he knew where he was going when he died. Mr. Hamlin talked to this man for the entire twenty minute drive. I have no idea how this impacted the driver's life, but I know that it made a huge impression on mine. I want to to be just like Mr. Hamlin when I grow up, to be so focused on sharing the love of Jesus with other that I forget about my own selfish desires. For my actions, even when I am halfway around the world, separated from my family, completely thrown out of my box, to speak louder than my words. And for those words to shout to the whole world that Jesus loves each and every one of them.

be free

Am I foolishness to you
And is it laughable the things I do
Can your callused minds see past yourselves to His Divine
Am I foolishness to you

Can I sing about my Maker
And have you not roll your eyes
Can I weep about my Savior
And the way He died
I know it don't make sense
To those who ride the fence
But I'm sold out to Christ

You call it loosening up
Loosening up
I call it spiraling down
Only one thing's the same
Only one thing remains
Jesus Jesus

Can I sing about my Maker
And have you not roll your eyes
Can I weep about my Savior
And the way He died
I know it don't make sense
To those who ride the fence
But I'm sold out to Christ

-Fence Riders, by Jimmy Needham

1 comment:

Rachel Leigh said...

wow. that was awesome! What a neat testimony, Noel! Thanks for sharing that with us.