Thursday, February 3, 2011

snow. snow. snow. snow!

Snowed in.
At first it was lovely.
Beautiful white scenery, time to rest and spend with family.
I had this this idea of getting things done that I have been putting off..........but, I only accomplished a few.
Oh well.
I have caught up on sleep, read, spent time with family, and stalked this amazing blog for hours.
Last night I caught a baking bug and made these scones;

Very easy to make, recipe here

I was quite pleased with the results. (as you can see)

No laughing. This is me; in all my natural glory hehe.
I'm trying to be more productive today, so far I've cleaned the bathrooms, hung up my clothes......I've had a thought about mopping the floors, but we'll see if I get that far :P

be free


Megan Leeann said...

The scones look absolutely lovely, as do you my dear. :)
(You just look a little bit younger. Hehe)
I love you.
Oh, and I love the results of you stalking your amazing blog. (Just saying it again).

~mirage noel~ said...

Thank you my friend :)
(you mean my amazing non technical skillz?)

Megan Leeann said...

Welcome. Ha. Yes. Those. Of which you have quite an abundance. ;)